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Does AI-generated content affect website performance?

In a digital world racing towards automation, AI-generated content could be the game changer to boost your website traffic. But the rule is you know how to use it correctly. However, this comprehensive article will explain the impact of AI-generated content on website performance. So stay tuned with me.

How does AI-generated AI content affect website performance?

Where there are pros, there are cons. AI-generated content might be the secret weapon of website ranking. But they also lead to de-indexing and lower rankings of your website. Despite that, the question is: How?

SEO Ranking:

The first reason is SEO ranking. Keep in mind search engines always prioritise user’s behaviour about content. So if your ai generated content is high in quality and adds value for the reader. It improves your website’s SEO.

On the other side, if AI-generated content is low in quality and unsatisfied the user. Google not only de-index your website. It may also penalize your website.

User’s experience:

The second reason is the user’s experience and behaviour. However, engaging and informative content elevates user engagement. Thus, users stay long at your website, improving the ranking.

But if AI-generated content seems generic and robotic. It badly impacts the user’s behaviour. When the user finds out the content is AI-generated. They leave the website within no time. In this way, the bounce rate increases that low rank the website.

Content Consistency:

The third and main reason is content consistency. In this modern era, AI-generated content tools such as Gemini and Chatgpt are capable of producing large volumes of content that are good for your website ranking. Because Google prioritizes the high volume of content.

If you publish ai generated content multiple times on your website, users will find out they are the same quality and robotic type which may break the user’s trust.

Brand Authority:

 Well-researched and consistent with your company’s voice, AI-generated content can build brand authority and trust.

           If AI content is deemed to be of poor quality or untrustworthy, it can seriously harm a brand’s reputation. Long-term trust may be impacted by users associating the brand with dishonest or spammy activities.

Search Engine Guidelines:

Helpful content” is prioritised by search engines, particularly Google, over content that is generated automatically. Although content produced by AI can adhere to these rules, it must undergo a thorough evaluation and editing process to guarantee that it meets the site’s quality requirements.

How to produce high-quality AI-generated content that improves website performance?

Yeah, it’s important to consider the value of content for website ranking. Mostly clients and freelancers don’t know how to produce high-quality content with AI tools. Here are some considerations:

  1. Choose reliable AI tools. The right AI tools for producing high-quality content are,, Jasper or Writesonic. 
  1. Always Use AI tools for ideas and outlines of content. And after making outlines, add human editing that improves user engagement.
  1. Use SEO tools to boost website traffic. You can use the most popular SEO tools for keyword research. The tools are SEMrush and Mozpro.
  1. Before producing AI-generated content, keep the audience in mind. What are their preferences and what they want to know? Provide answers to the most common questions and discuss valuable tips about the content.
  1. After producing AI-generated content, track the content using analytical tools. And consider the problems that hinder the website ranking.
  1. Keep in touch with your website and refresh your content, especially for those topics that change with time. Optimizing and updating content is a compulsory task for indexing the website.


           Instead of completely automating the generation of content, think about utilising AI tools to augment human labour to optimise the advantages. AI and human monitoring working together can provide relevant, high-quality content that increases user engagement and SEO while preserving brand confidence.

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